You will fall I promise Like a Godess With all my sneaky ways And passion I’ll lure you in undoubtedly On that day in August I’ll bow to you My head as low as dust My madness at its wildest You will fall My wicked charms will beat the ones before me Poor things have tried so many times With lust on fire And no signs of dignity I pity them Sincerely You will fall I swear Before my witnesses And when you do I’ll strike With all my force My fury will sweep off your feet Without balance on your knees You’ll beg for mercy while you bleed My smile The last you see of My heart As cold as stone And you will pray To all the Gods you have ever heard of For heartache To be unknown
*This beautiful illustration was done by my dear friend Ksenia Sapunkova. You can see more of her illustrations from the series "Look Into Me Now" here or purchase the book "Look Into Me Now: a book of abandoned things" here.