What a waste of talent, scattered all over Instagram captions and cheap blogs with pixelated imagery. I am of course referring to writers.
On my latest mission impossible, that is to find a writing gig(s) that would emotionally (and financially) sustain me while I am painting my way through the self-hate and doubts, I have encountered plenty of opportunities. Not to say that I could tackle many. All the writing ‘listings’ somehow made me wonder whether the recruiting people are looking for employees on the wrong planet or they are lucidly fucked in the head.
Starting off with a genuine request of a “1st class degree equivalent from a leading university” to “basic CAD skills”, “in house CMS” and to top it off with, most are ticked with “voluntary submission”. As far as I am concerned the latest can only be applied to a sexual intercourse. Not to mention the blunt statements of main responsibilities which most of the time include management of the social media channels, brainstorming and keeping in touch with bloggers and influencers, product description, and only then you may spend “10% of the time writing engaging content”.
What really fired me off, is the notion that a writer no longer needs to be devoted to writing per se, but photoshop, image creation/research, HTML coding, graphic design, SEO, experience with wordpress and the list goes on (all of the above are not necessary skills to possess but simply a fat competitive plus). Top it off with many citing “English as a mother tongue” (notice that countries like UK and USA do not place such atrocities on the front page of a job announcement).
I am afraid the bridge between outstanding reporting and witless blogging no longer exists. So here is to an expressionless face with a dog filter and an insightful caption recycled from a Pinterest board. I might pick up just that if it pays.